Christopher Michael - Pinot Noir

The low yields, warm days, and cool nights of the 2020 vintage allowed for optimal flavor development in the fruit and complexity in the finished wines.

What makes the Pacific Northwest so unique? The fact that dense forests, winding waterways, and snow-packed peaks are all in Christopher Michaels’ backyard? Or is it that no matter how far you go and how many sights you see, there’s always more to explore? Each wine is crafted with this reverence of place—but Christopher Michaels’ goal is to never stop exploring new regions and new wines.

Christopher Michael is creating wine for those who cherish the wonder in wandering, who understand that the best places to explore are sometimes right around the corner, and for those of Christopher Michael who opt for the long way home. Inspired by the Pacific Northwest.


Pairing Suggestions

Lamb Quesa-Birria

Roasted Bone Marrow

Prime Bavette Steak
